Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Introduction: Feelings toward blogging and social networking

Hello and welcome to my blog.  I am not new to blogging, however it is NOT my favorite thing to do.  In fact, I do not like blogging at all.  About two years ago, one of my classes (like this one) required a blog account where assignments could be submitted.  This class was a rhetoric class titled: Literacy, Rhetoric, and Technology.  So, I was introduced to blogging.  That isn't to say that this class was not interesting - it was and I learned many things about how literacy and technology were incorporated into each other, and also learned more about my own personal interests.

Additionally, that also isn't to say that I do not enjoy writing, for blogging requires writing.  Quite the contrary.  I love to write.  I'm probably one of the few who enjoys writing essays (once I have my brilliant epiphany, of course).  In fact, I have written an essay about social networking that is in progress for publication in a college textbook.  My experience in writing this essay was enough to put me off social networking for a while. 

Story:  I had an opportunity to intern in the editorial development department at Bedford/St. Martin's publishing company in Boston, MA for a couple of months during Summer 2010.  After my internship ended, I was asked to write an essay about social networking and its benefits.  At first, I was not given strict directions for specific topics, so I chose to write about the three social networks I thought were most commonly used by all ages of the public: Facebook, LinkedIn, and World of Warcraft.  One week of researching and writing (in addition to working and keeping up with my school work, for school had resumed) and eight pages later... I learned the authors of the book were looking for an essay strictly about Facebook.  Needless to say, I had to overhaul my essay.  Another week of research and another eight pages later...
Good for printing. 

My experience in writing these essays gave me a different view of Facebook, such that I though about deactivating my account.  But I did not.  So I have a Facebook account and a LinkedIn account.  Both are used for different purposes.  I used to have a MySpace account, but deactivated it when I switched to Facebook.  I am also signed up with Twitter, but am never on it.   Personally, I think it's pointless.  Like blogging.  While blogging can be fun and informative, I don't like the idea of putting thoughts on a site that I can't control who views it.  One person or two people might follow my blog, but so can billions of other people if they wish to.

All in all, I am not big on social networking.  Although I do agree it is handy at times in making contacts, I still prefer phone and face-to-face interaction. 

But I do what I must to meet requirements.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious what you learned about Facebook that made you consider closing your account...(but I use it so often, that maybe I don't want to know!)

    Also, while I agree that face-to-face is better than useless Twitter updates, I've found it can be useful in certain situations such as networking at conferences, using TweetDeck to "listen" for topics related to my work and, of course, finding food trucks. :)
